The Tarot Restless - Third Edition
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The Tarot Restless is a complete overhaul of the classic Rider-Waite deck, set in a bizarre fantasy universe during the final days of a cosmic infertility apocalypse. It is a wholly unique creation steeped in supernatural horror that takes inspiration from video games like Dark Souls and Silent Hill, black and death metal music, and Lovecraftian lore.
This includes:
The original 78 card deck, 12 of which feature new designs
The 12 card expansion set The Zodiac Retrograde
The 10 card expansion set The Oracle Inimical (The Exalted and the Exterminated)
A profusely illustrated and completely re-written copy of Restless Meditations, a 140+ page guidebook of short stories that explore the lore and interpretations of each card
A silver-stamped box that holds both the cards and the guidebook.